Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dog Days

Yesterday I had to take my dog to the vet to get a booster. On the way home we stopped by Petsmart and I bought her this stuffed toy. I rarely get her stuffed toys because she tears all the stuffing out, but she gets really nervous at the vet. Anyway, she was chewing on it's tail and she fell asleep. I will post more later today, hopefully.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here I am

This is the little bear that I was working on a couple of posts ago. I finished it a couple of weeks ago, but I've been uninspired to post. That, and I was working on a scrapbook for my sister. I finished 5 pages, but I think I burned out temporarily.
I am very exicted about ACL Fest. I got a three day pass. I am most excited to see the Killers again. Also the White Stripes. There are many, many bands I want to see though. Hopefully it won't be too dusty.
So the Happy Hooker Crochet Along is going along pretty good. I feel like I need more structure, so I am going to work the projects in order, barring I like the pattern. I think the project I am going to make this month is the Stripes and Stripes Forever, but instead of a scarf, I am going to make a guitar strap. I need one.
Also I have had no time to knit. I'm still trying to get my apartment set up. It's going okay. I picked up Stitch 'N Bitch Nation for $3.something on Amazon. I was very excited, but I need to work on my knitting before tackle any big projects. I started one more crochet project. It is the Creativity Baskets from the first issue of Crochet Today. Specifically the basket that is taller than the other ones. I am making it out of scrap yarn to put my crap yarn in. I also starting making a magic yarn ball. (Tieing together any little scraps of yarn from projects no matter how small) I am going to make a blanket for my dogs crate, I think. It might be really cute and then I will have to make a pillow or something.
Well, that's all for now, hopefully I will start updating regularly again.