Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here I am

This is the little bear that I was working on a couple of posts ago. I finished it a couple of weeks ago, but I've been uninspired to post. That, and I was working on a scrapbook for my sister. I finished 5 pages, but I think I burned out temporarily.
I am very exicted about ACL Fest. I got a three day pass. I am most excited to see the Killers again. Also the White Stripes. There are many, many bands I want to see though. Hopefully it won't be too dusty.
So the Happy Hooker Crochet Along is going along pretty good. I feel like I need more structure, so I am going to work the projects in order, barring I like the pattern. I think the project I am going to make this month is the Stripes and Stripes Forever, but instead of a scarf, I am going to make a guitar strap. I need one.
Also I have had no time to knit. I'm still trying to get my apartment set up. It's going okay. I picked up Stitch 'N Bitch Nation for $3.something on Amazon. I was very excited, but I need to work on my knitting before tackle any big projects. I started one more crochet project. It is the Creativity Baskets from the first issue of Crochet Today. Specifically the basket that is taller than the other ones. I am making it out of scrap yarn to put my crap yarn in. I also starting making a magic yarn ball. (Tieing together any little scraps of yarn from projects no matter how small) I am going to make a blanket for my dogs crate, I think. It might be really cute and then I will have to make a pillow or something.
Well, that's all for now, hopefully I will start updating regularly again.

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