Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hello Kitty Scarf

I finished my first project from my Japanese Hello Kitty crochet book. I think it turned out pretty cute. I just finished frogging some Patons SWS yarn from a project that I started in December and then decided against. I also started a lacy crochet scarf made with Patons Nuance. That yarn is really soft and fluffy. I also think now is the time to finish Momo the Octopus that I started last year as well. I'm trying to finish up some things before I move on. I think I'm almost out of my scarf phase. We'll see.

On another front, I have been put in charge of the music for my sister's wedding. It's a daunting task, but I think I am doing pretty well. I'm putting together about 7 or 8 CDs worth of music. I am gonna post the playlist for the first CD when I get it to where I like it.


Crochet Goddess said...

The scarf is so cute. I like the colors.

Nic said...

So many people are going to attack you for it. Those Hello Kitty people are fanatics!