Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Secret Pal 9!!

Thanks so much Michelle! Your gift was awesome. There was Hello Kitty stuff, which I love, some Peruvian wool(4 hanks(?) of Cascade), some knitting needles, a knitting bag, and a pattern. I can't wait to get started knitting.
I've made a resolution to not buy anymore yarn until I use up some of my stash. Not that I don't like having a stash, but it's getting out of control. The rules are as follows:
1. I can buy more yarn to finish a project I've already started.
2. I can buy more yarn if it is something special for someone else and there is absolutely nothing I have that could possibly be right.
3. I can buy some yarn after every 7 projects I do. At first I was gonna say 5 but that seemed too low, and 10 seemed too high. My goal is not to completely eliminate my stash, but to work on some projects I've been meaning to do. I think the yarn is distracting me.
4. And of course I can receive yarn as a gift. My grandmother picks up bags full sometimes at garage sales.
I don't think I ever really wrote out my fiber resolutions.
1. Learn to knit.
2. Crochet a garment.
3. Make at least 3 Christmas presents.
4. And one for me--Make the Babette blanket. It is a really cool crocheted blanket from Interweave Crochet spring '06. I already have the yarn, but other projects keep trumping anything for me. That would use up a considerable portion of my yarn stash.
There you go. Wrote out some goals, and displayed my wonderful Secret Pal gift. Now, if I could just finish the last thing for my secret pal, I'd be all set.

Monday, January 22, 2007

First FO's of 2007

I think that after Christmas, I kinda needed a few weeks off of crocheting. I finally got back around to it, and I realized how much I love making things. I finished the Trojan warrior and the Viking. The third pic is all of the fighters together. I gave them to their recipients tonight, and they loved them. I am glad.

I also finished a scarf today. It is from a pattern in Crochet Today the September/October '06 issue. I don't know if I like it yet.

Stay tuned for more. I'm working on several other things at the moment.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm Back

K, suffice it to say it has been a bit more than a week since I last posted. My internet was out for 7 days. I use the free wireless that my apartment is supplying, which was one of the reasons that we decided to take this place since the rent was a little higher than we'd have liked. They keep messing with something. I don't know what it is since I am not a IT person, but every now and then I get a great signal but I get the Cannot find server message when I try to get online. Usually its only out for a couple of days, but the ice storm hit, and the office people didn't come to work(rightly so), so whatever gets reset, didn't get reset, and I was left alone, internetless for 3 days restricted to my apartment. I did go outside to take the dog out, but the dog having never seen ice was not very inclined to walk on it. She wouldn't go outside, but I trained her so well, that she wouldn't even go on newspapers set up by the door. So I had to carry her to the few spots of grass that the ice had managed to miss so that she could do her business. Then I had to pick her up and carry her back to the sidewalk. Good times. Anyway, it was funny watching her outside at least. I laughed out loud. Well, I am going to post some pictures of somethings I am working on right now, but for now I will leave you with a picture or two of the ice.

This one is of Roxy trying to see over the balcony. She's like a little person...almost.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Finished Objects

I still don't have any new pictures, but I thought I would take a moment and post all of the things that I completed last year. Keep in mind I started crocheting in March of 2006.

2 afghans
6 scarves
7 purses/bags
8 hats
8 amigurumi

for a total of 31 completed projects.

And 3 Works In Progess that are carrying over to this year
And 1 WIP that is still in tact, but is going to be frogged as soon as I can get around to it.

I went to the mail today, and I had a package from Amazon. Yeah! I ordered 3 books last week. I got Greetings from Knit Cafe by Susan Mischer, domiknitrix by Jennifer Stafford, and Not Your Mama's Crochet by Amy Swenson. I found the Knit Cafe book on Amazon for $4.99! That compelled me to place an order, and you can't order just one. Oh, and last week I went to Half-Price Books and I got So Simple Crochet by Melody Griffiths, and Cozy Crochet by Melissa Leapman--$6 a piece. So I am set on Crochet and Knitting books for a while(I keep telling myself) . I recently got digital cable, with the DIY network and I love it. I have been watching Uncommon Threads and Knitty Gritty. Knitty Gritty makes me really excited to learn how to knit. So that's all for now, hope everyone has had a Happy New Year thus far.